We will endeavor to respond to your enquiry within 1 business day.
Which location is closest to you?* —Please choose an option—Reading
Title* —Please choose an option—MrMrsMissMasterMadamDrLordLadyProfessor
Site Address (where the appliance is located)*
Appliance Category —Please choose an option—CookerDishwasherWashing MachineTumble DryerOven (single)Oven (double)Induction HobFridgeFreezerCooker HoodWine CoolerAmerican Fridge/FreezerGas HobRangemaster Double Oven
Make —Please choose an option—AdmiralAmanaAEGATGGAtagAmicaBekoBlombergBellingBritanniaBoschBrandtCapleCannonCandyCataCDACowanCredaDelonghiElectroluxElicaFalconFisher and PaykelGagganauGeneral ElectricGECHaierHisenseHooverHotpointHusquarnaIce KingIce LineIgnisIkeaIndesitJacksonJohn LewisKenwoodLamonaLECLiebherrLincatLogikMaytagMieleMercuryMoffattMontpellierMorphy RichardsNardi,Necht,NeffNew WorldNova ScohaNumaticPanasonicParkinsonPhilcoPhillipsPrestigePrimaProlineRangemasterRoyaleRussell HobbsSamsungSchreiberSeboServisSeverinSharpSiemensSmegStovesSub ZeroTekaTeknikThompson BranditTricity BendixToshibaVestfrostVikingWaterlineWelcoWhirlpoolWhiteknightWolfZanussiNot listed
Model (if known)
How many years old is your appliance? (if known)
If your appliance is integrated, are the cabinet doors secured using any non-standard fittings, such as door sliders? —Please choose an option—Not applicableYesNo
If your under-counter appliance is integrated, what is the kitchen-counter height? (if known)
Brief explanation of the fault*
To encourage re-use and recycling, we offer a free service of collecting used domestic ink cartridges and household batteries (during our call-outs only). We send ink cartridges to Recycle4Charity for re-use or recycling. Household batteries are sent to a waste management facility for re-use or recycling. Do you require any items to be collected? —Please choose an option—YesNo
Please read our terms and conditions*. Please note that for installations, we only replace appliances like-for like. Do you agree to our terms and conditions?*